Monday, October 1, 2012

Case #1 The Affable Aunt

Case #1  -- The Affable Aunt

This is the study of a lovely great-aunt who is hoping to gain custody of her great-nephew.  This would be her brother's daughter's son.  (Yes, sometimes it gets very confusing and I have to draw out a family tree in my notes.) 

Affable Aunt lives in a small 3-bedroom, 1-bath home that she rents.  Interestingly enough she is not in Section 8 housing, but I understand they are not taking applications right now.  So she pays full rent of about $700/month.  Definitely not a fancy home, but on a larger lot than most homes in new neighborhoods these days.  Affable Aunt does not work.  She is mid-50's and has one biological son living with her who is in elementary school. She has a high school education and certificates in child care.  She actually has three biological children and three adopted children.  The oldest two biological children and all three adopted childen live out of the home. 

 However, the third adopted child is actually the biological of the her oldest adopted child .... and he now lives with his biological mother because Affable Aunt determined that his mother had mended her ways and it was best for the child to live with his mother. 

So, how does Affable Aunt survive with no job:
    • Child Support from the father of biological child #3                       $282/month
    • CPS Adoption Support for adopted child #3                                  $400/month
      • who now lives with his biological mother
    • SSI income for biological child #3 who is diagnosed ADHD         $674/month
    • Veteran's Benefits for biological child #3 from his father              $  71/month
    • Aunt works giving rides to another child to school for cash          $170/month
                                                                               Total fund income          $1597/month
                                                                                SNAP Benefits              $ 200/month
                                                                             Spendable Income         $1797/month

Now, adopted children #2 and #3 are on Medicaid to cover their medical expenses.  And biological child #3 receives free breakfast and free lunch during the week at school, in addition to free after-school care which includes a snack.  I am not sure what the financial value of all of these benefits is worth but you get the idea.

Now, is Affable Aunt able to work?  I coudn't say for sure.  She looks like she is able to work and she is caring for a five-month old infant full time --- the child in question for the home study (who has already been placed in her home pending temporarily pending the home study).  Oh!  Don't forget the WIC benefits for that child too.   SNAP (Food stamps) and WIC and SSI all go on her government issued debit cards so she doesn't have to maintain an address or checking account.  And I almost forgot her government-issued Ensure cell phone with its 250 minutes/month free.  Silly me!

I asked Affable Aunt if she was willing to adopt the infant should the biological parent's have their parental rights terminated and her response was "of course!".   I then asked if she would return this child to the biological mother should she deem she was making better choices (as she had adopted child #3) and she said "yes, I would do the same thing.".  Of course, I am only assuming she would continue to collect the adoption subsidy for this child just as she is for adopted child #3.    (Just a note -- children adopted through CPS are also given free college education in any state school up through a Bachelor's Degree). 

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